Gary Hustwit's Helvetica documentary is
now available to purchase from the iTunes store (note: the link will open iTunes). The digital download is only $9.99 and is currently the #1 documentary on iTunes! You can watch the trailer on iTunes as well (warning: doing so will likely inspire you to immediately click BUY NOW).
Eventually it should be available in iTunes in all countries...
I hate the wait...
How do you buy this from the US store if you have a UK account? Is it simply impossible?
I think it is indeed practically impossible to buy from a different country's iTunes store (I've tried to buy music from the UK store without success). The film should be available in other countries soon. Meanwhile, you can always order the actual DVD from Amazon.co.uk: http://tinyurl.com/6lflpu or from the Helvetica film's official site: http://www.helveticafilm.com/shop.html
This email correspondence is in response to seeing the film, Helvetica. October 6, 2008
To The Helvetica Film Team:
I recently had the pleasure of watching your movie,
Helvetica, and I thought that it was very good overall.
However, never once was Geigy Pharmaceutical and its
top graphic design team (many now in Helvetica Heaven
like Fred Troller, Theo Welti, Marcus Lowe and many
others.) mentioned in the role that Helvetica played in the
worldwide corporate identity (Branding) that Geigy
created using Helvetica. (In the beginning Geigy originally
had an exclusive contractual agreement for the use of
Helvetica to my knowledge) Geigy literally wrote the book
on Corporate/Brand Identity through their in-house design
group both in Basel and in the U.S. which many others
followed throughout the world and in many cases still
follow. We all have creative license to create history as
we choose and that is very acceptable here in the
colonies, but to have the Swiss designers who were
interviewed in your film leave Geigy out is astonishing.
All the designers interviewed missed a valuable part of
Graphic Design History by leaving out the incredible
Graphic Design movement at Geigy, Basel. There has
been nothing like it since. Maybe you were aware of this
or maybe it was edited out.... but unfortunately many
young and growing designers have lost a valuable piece
of inspiring graphic design/type history needed in today's
industry. Geigy In-House Design ( design/copy standards
continued through the merger of Ciba & Geigy ) played a
very important role in the use of
Helvetica globally in setting Swiss Design standards
including the grid, flush left, copy setting and copy writing
standards. Most of all, when design©= concept, the
audience would actually be GRABBED by the
combination of graphic+headline and would actually
READ stunning copy in an era of perfection and creativity
when design© ruled. In my opinion, you had the
opportunity to preserve a fabulous movement in global
graphic design© concept guided by Helvetica. Clean
& Simple... when marketing wasn't a department and
design& copy had a godfather... or today when creativity
and democracy = mediocrity. It doesn't have to be good
anymore... just good enough.
Bob Talarczyk,
Creative Director/CEO
Darkhorse Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Former Design Director, Producer Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals,U.S.A.
(this email was originally sent to the creators of Helvetica (the film) Swiss Dots, London with no response)
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