Sunday, July 31, 2005


Recently overheard this from an art director: "Last year we had so many clients using a blue and orange combination that we came up with a new term—blorange."

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Museum Tour PodCasts

I think this is a brilliant use of the whole podcasting craze—museum tours, authorized and otherwise. The MOMA is apparently offering parts of its tour for free download, and has created a free podcast tour of the Met's Modern Art Gallery (available via free subscription on iTunes).

Slate says: "Our aim, beginning with Lee Siegel's tour of the Met, is to create an experience that blends the irreverence and honesty of the DIY tours with the professionalism of the official versions. And ours is short—you should be able to make it through the Modern Art Gallery in a little over 20 minutes. So, try it on your lunch break, New Yorkers."

Read the full article:

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Drawing Restraint 9

This is a film that might be worth check out. The images are very inspiring, and based on director's Matthew Barney previous work, it should be amazing. The soundtrack of the film is done by Björk.

So far the piece is only shown in Japan, but I'm sure it will hit MoMA or the Guggenheim soon. Keep your eyes open.

Welcome new members

GDBar welcomes our new members Yuthi Meas, Cat Hughes and Arnoud Verhaeghe (check out Arnoud's online portfolio—link in the Member Sites area). Welcome aboard!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Photography Online

Saw this in the NYTimes today:
Two proud powerhouses of photography—the George Eastman House in Rochester and the International Center of Photography in Midtown—are at work on an ambitious project to create one of the largest freely accessible databases of masterwork photography anywhere on the Web. The Web site—, now active only as a test site, with a smattering of images—is expected to include almost 200,000 photographs when it is completed in the fall of 2006. Photomuse site will join others, like the digital collections of the Library of Congress, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford, England, that are beginning to create what amounts to a huge, free, virtual photography museum on the Web.

Full article:

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Art Stores

Thanks to Eva for compiling a list of some of the big art stores around town! Visit the newly added Art Stores page.

Classes/Continuing Ed

If anyone has taken continuing ed or individual classes around town and has a program to recommend, please let us know at -- we are in the process of researching different ways to keep your education going after graduation, and would love more info, especially from people who have done coursework at places like SVA and Pratt, etc.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Oscar poster article

I enjoyed the article on the Apple Pro site about designer Brett Davidson:
At first, I was totally underwhelmed by his poster design. But after learning WHY he made his decisions, it is much more interesting/appealing: "It has the brightest and biggest treatment of Oscar of any poster the Academy has done. Oscar breaks the borders. His head and legs are cropped, showing that he can’t be contained by the boundaries of the poster, that he’s larger than life. And he’s got the energy of those bright colors."
Aw, and he just loves those Academy Awards... hahaha.