I'm enjoying the work of "adventure photo-artist"
Boone Speed. From rock climbing action photos to blurred vistas, Speed's shots capture an often dizzying sense of texture, motion and physicality that can range in scale from epic to intimate. [via
Cool Hunting]
I actually know Boone (not personally) first as a climber -- he climbs up there with some of the best in the world. There's definitely something to be said about understanding your subject matter ;) The tough part about capturing climbing and climbers is that, while the scenery may be impressive (who isn't stunned by towering granite cliffs?), it's often difficult to capture the nuances that make the sport what it is: the beauty of the details in the lines on the face; the sheer difficulty; the body tension; the incredible dynamism and persistence and love that goes into what most people just see as people scrambling around on rocks.
Another photographer who's made a name for himself in the climbing world is Tim Kemple: http://www.rockclimbing.com/Articles/Photography/Photography_of_Tim_Kemple_584.html and http://kemplemedia.com/ ... his photos are great but the stories are what make them... some things you just have to really "get it" to enjoy fully ;)
Exactly -- Boone's photos really nail that tension and personality -- they're much more than impressive landscape shots, and that's what I find so intriguing about his work. Just checked out Tim Kemple -- awesome! Thanks for the great comment, Jason!
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