Second Life blogger Natalia Zelmanov showcases
Virtual Starry Night, a Van Gogh exhibit currently on in the SL metaverse. In this exhibit, your avatar can physically enter Van Gogh paintings—on the right, above, Natalia is shown sitting on the pool table in
The Night Café (an image of the actual painting is
here for comparison). Second Life is proving to be quite the playground for new and interesting ways of exploring art and exhibition—the Goldsmiths students who presented their degree show in virtual reality were previously featured
Kate, thank you so much for the mention :) Second Life is really wonderful for the art community! There are many other examples of beautiful works, from paintings/photos to sculptures to moving displays, scattered throughout SL (check the Second Louvre for an impressive collection).
With the new Sculpted Prims that were introduced a few weeks ago, there will be an amazing rush to create lifelike pieces! Sculpted Prims lets you sculpt, just like with a lump of clay. I cant wait to see the results in a few weeks!
Awesome! I just went through Virtual Starry Night and really enjoyed it. I also went to the Art Center -- more of a traditional gallery experience, but very cool. I will definitely be checking out the Second Louvre as well! Thanks!
My photos from Virtual Starry Night are available on Flickr if anyone is interested. I also went to the Art Center in Second Life today, which was amazingly similar to an actual gallery experience. If any GDBar readers are on Second Life, please say hello! I'm very interested in exploring more of what's going on there with art and design.
Hi Kate!
Thanks for posting about the Van Gogh exhibit. Good to know your expierence.
I'll keep you up-to-date about new Interactive 3D Van Gogh's at the exhibit.
Raceman Dal
Excellent! Thanks, Raceman.
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