London 2012

UPDATE: Design Observer reports that there is a petition for the logo's withdrawal and that the graphic has been accused of causing epileptic attacks when animated.
UPDATE: Coudal Partners offers reasons why we should love the London 2012 logo.
See the comments for more updates and links.
You would not believe the public outcry about the logo design - there are online petitions going on all over the place, there are loads of anti-logo groups on Facebook and the media are loving it(!)
Did you miss the story about the brand film that they also launched on Monday triggering epileptic seizures? At least that was quickly withdrawn!
This is hilarious. I did see the epilepsy thing... the media are indeed loving every minute of this circus!!
The designer got 400,000 pounds (I think thats around $800,000 USD) for this design. Honestly, I wouldn't have paid $10 for it. But then again, being a design, I would have just made it myself, but loads better.
Actually I think they said it cost about $1.24 million dollars. It hars enough for me to justify $1000 for a great logo for a company...I can't believe they got paid so much for such a crappy design!
I'm surprised that they didn't do it as a student contest, to be honest. They could have given a nice prize but still saved loads of money... and I suspect the results, even from non-professsionals, would have been decidedly less amateur looking. The whole affair is just baffling...
ya, they also call it Lisa Simpson giving head by the way....I...I see it!
I know!! I didn't see Lisa at first... if you don't see it either, here's a helpful graphic:
This is pretty funny. Via Adrants:
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They were making fun of this on The Daily Show, too. I feel bad for the designer...
crankyTdesigns: Tees with 'tude
The backlash continues to get funnier and funnier: A London 2012 Saved By The Bell Mashup:
Jon Stewart gets in his digs:
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