As I become less and less organized in my adult life, I often find that I'm precariously close to gift-giving deadlines (such as the one looming on Monday). As a result, I've become quite the connoisseur of last-minute gift ideas. So far my favorite is
the trusty magazine subscription. For roughly the price of a night out, you can give the gift that keeps on giving. It's more thoughtful than a gift certificate (the recipient will think of you, for better or worse, every time the mag lands in their mailbox), and involves zero work for your friend or loved one (it comes to them). Also, even people who love magazines are sometimes loth to pony up for a subscription and delight in the frivolity of the delivered gossip rag/political rant/lit review/industry showcase, etc. Scout out publications (such as the industry magazines above) at
Amazon. And happy last-minute holidays to all!
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