Thursday, August 24, 2006

FontShop Spotlights Type and Packaging

Trusty FontShop put out two newsletters this month, the first focusing on typography in supermarket brands and the second on typography in other packaged goods. Worth a look—in some cases fonts are used in surprising ways, and hey, now you can be the nerd who says, "Method... you know they use Avenir, right?" While on the FontShop site, don't miss their free fonts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One niggling point in the food packaging article: "The logo is built with lettering in a style similar to Manifesto, Gagarin, and FF Gothic" in the Fantastic World Foods entry -- I wish they'd done a little more research. If they had, they might've realized that particular typeface is (or is much more similar to) Milwaukee from It just feels sloppy.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it's political and they don't want to promot font diner?

2:46 PM  

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