Friday, June 30, 2006
I am one of those designers that think it is incredibly beneficial to tap into the energy of the shifting currents of pop culture, the media, technology, fashion, etc. As such, I always find sites like very interesting. This month's trend report deals with YOUniversal Branding, the concept of subtly utilizing brands and gaining recognition within virtual worlds (video games, social networking sites, etc.). While the report is not for everyone, the larger idea should bethese days, anything you create is likely to end up online in some form. Clients already know that online opportunities abound, and designers need to have at least some awareness of those as well. Also, at this point, an online presence is expected and encouraged (good luck applying for a job without a portfolio site), and artists and designers are promoting themselves and their products in virtual environments like MySpace, SecondLife, 5oup... even the AIGA's portfolio gallery is an online environment. Becoming more savvy at presenting work in a virtual world is only to your benefit. So while reading about how Starbucks has implanted their logo in the background of a driving game may not immediately seem relevant to your daily CMYK existence, think againall things are connected.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
The Dying Newspaper and the Media of Tomorrow
Slate comments on the current state of the printed media. I must admit, I read the NYTimes onlinehaven't picked up an actual paper in years. Though the article is specifically about newspapers, the decline of printed matter (not to mention the steady increase of technology that strives towards "paperlessness") is a relevant larger issue for designersas a group we will need to adapt, increase our tech literacy, mourn for print and move on. New publishing frontiers await. Pretty exciting!
Philly Ad Campaign

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
MySpace kerning (or lack thereof)

Design Observer's Dmitri Siegel muses on the current state of Do It Yourself culture and its impact on graphic design. "The more that our economy runs on people doing it themselves, the more people will demand opportunities to do so, and the more graphic designers will have to adapt their methods..."
THINGS-ARE-HEATING-UPDATE: Adrian at the Be A Design blog rebuts Dmitri Siegel's DO posting with one of his own, in which he states: "The outlook for designers shouldn’t be one of fear and opposition. We should embrace the new world and the opportunities it provides...."
THINGS-ARE-HEATING-UPDATE: Adrian at the Be A Design blog rebuts Dmitri Siegel's DO posting with one of his own, in which he states: "The outlook for designers shouldn’t be one of fear and opposition. We should embrace the new world and the opportunities it provides...."
Keane/Sanna Annukka

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Purple is the new blue and red...

Monday, June 26, 2006
Papa John's Pizza Ads

Friday, June 23, 2006
Röyksopp Remind Me Video

New York Street Photography Show
The New York Street Photography show runs through tomorrow (Saturday) at the New York Public Library. [via Gridskipper]
Andrew Brandou

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Castle Online Magazine

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Cooper-Hewitt Online Store/Summer Sessions

[via design*sponge]
And while we're on the subject of the Cooper-Hewitt, be sure to check out their Summer Sessions: DJs and dancing every Friday night at the museum starting this week and running through September 8th.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
SF: Populated by Designers
For the many, many, oh-so-many of you who have been mumbling about moving to California lately, just FYIaccording to the AIGA SF, "San Francisco is home to the greatest number of designers per capita in the United States"... Creative paradise or survival-of-the-fittest competitive professional pool? You decide.
Taschen: Advertising Now: Print

Monday, June 19, 2006
Moji Animations

50 Best Magazines
The Chicago Tribune has published their list of the 50 Best Magazines. How is that related to design? Because design is about communication, and these publications are what people are reading, what is ranking, what is getting seen, advertised in, remembered, etc. In some cases, the design is greatin others, not so much. And it is interesting to note that the only mag even remotely related to design in the top 10 is Dwell (interiors). Just a reminder that good design is about more than the visualan "elite" designer might turn up his or her nose at the look of Consumer Reports or Cottage Living, but clearly something is working (solid content is there, of course, but I refuse to believe that people will struggle to readlegibility has to be clear, presentation is important, etc.) and communication is successful.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
New Tufte: Beautiful Evidence

Friday, June 16, 2006
Images as Type

Thursday, June 15, 2006
AIGA: The Graphic Imperative

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Geoff McFetridge in Patagonia

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Kate's Paperie Launches Home Collection

How Magazine Salary Survey


Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Morning Art Fun

Friday, June 09, 2006
Weekend Guide
Various things going on this weekend:
- MoCCA Art Festival (comics and illustrationkeep an eye out for the Drawn! folks as well as favorites like Andrew Bell!)
- Iron Artist at PS 1 (an artistic competition á la the Food Network's Iron Chef)
- Walk on White Street (art, dance, theatre street fair in lower Manhattan)
- Apple protests (if you feel so wrongedGDBar
has been brainwashed byloves Apple, but we're trying to stay neutral as far as reportage.)
Eames Powers of Ten Film

Antonioni at BAM

Arkhênum Society

Varoom: New Illustration Magazine

UPDATE: November 06: Varoom is now online at its own site:
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Design Observer Party

St. Pauli Girl Lets Her Hair Down

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
MoMA's Red Studio

Science Editoral Cartoon Contest
The Union of Concerned Scientists is hosting Science Idol: the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest. Entries should be "a creative take on the issue of political interference in science" and are due by July 31st.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Amazing: Platinum, FMD

Between the Lines at El Museo Del Barrio

Monday, June 05, 2006
Flash all over the place!

Spec Work & Innovation
Michael Bierut has a very interesting article on Design Observer about working on spec and the new magazine INside Innovation, which promises "a deep, deep dive into the innovation/design/creativity space."
Sunday, June 04, 2006
New Emigre Website

Saturday, June 03, 2006
Brooklyn ArtWalk06
Brooklyn's Atlantic Avenue ArtWalk06 is this weekenda great opportunity to see open studios of both established and emerging artists. Visit for more info.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Top Ten Stock Photography Cliches

Pictured: "Telecommuting from the Edge"
Thursday, June 01, 2006
FontShop June Calendar

Milestone A-Ha Video on YouTube

Speak Up: Slime is the Word It for June
Speak Up design blog runs a sort of inspiration free-for-all each month called Word It. You graphically design/illustrate the word of the monththe June word is SLIME. Check out past monthsthe results are wildly mixed and usually pretty interesting. SLIME...