Friday, April 07, 2006

Baskin-Robbins Rebrands

Honestly, rebrandings generally baffle me. UPS, Kodak (mentioned previously here)... and now Baskin-Robbins. Granted, BR isn't quite a global icon or anything (though brand recognition in the US is significant) but this is a dramatic change to an old standard that has some nostalgia value. Not to mention a concept that worked—what American kid didn't want to try all 31 flavors? BR was a step up from the ice cream truck in kid sophistication. 31 flavors, in mind boggling combinations (I grew up in a pre-Ben & Jerry's era where the only mainstream flavor mashup came from those Neopolitan stripes). It was the idea of 31 flavors that sold it—in the new version, the 31 is too easily lost amidst the noisy typeface (too late 80s/early 90s/Bratz). Why, BR? Why? Speak Up has a more thorough exploration of this and a few other recent rebrandings.


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